Sunday, December 4, 2022

Letters To My Sister - (Part 2)


Life is not going to have any surprises until you live like it's going to surprise you, most people live like it is going to disappoint them and so they don't believe in themselves enough, to take a risk on their dreams. They settle for a practical life, a life of uninspiring sacrifices and while they die slowly on the inside so does their dreams. Have you ever wondered what life is? Have you ever wondered why you are here. What is the point of all this if we are going to die one day? Why do anything at all and just be? Why do we follow traditions and customs? And why try to fit in all the things in that small space calling it a life? What does, me being your brother really mean? Why me? What role do I play in your life? What am I meant to really do? But yet we share this special bond, an unexplainable bond, and sometimes I think you will be the only person that makes me feel like I'm not alone on this crazy planet. And no matter how I turn out to be, you would be the only one to see me as I truly am. Having this thought feels very encouraging, having you as my sibling and knowing you will always have my back makes me brave, it gives me comfort in so many levels. Even though we are so far away, and we hardly meet or call, I know deep inside me, if I fall you would catch me. 

Maybe a sibling is a guardian angel, who are physically present through our life on this planet. A mirror that constantly remind us, who we truly are. A voice that comforts, a hand that supports and mainly a guide who shows us our roots when we stray too far into the burning sun. Maybe this is what I'm meant to be for you, someone who'd have your back even when your own back has turned against itself. Someone who lifts you out of your rut, and teaches you how to get out of it. Someone who smiles and celebrates your victories, someone who challenges you and inspires you to be your best version. Someone who tells you to always follow your dreams and take all the chances you have in this life. I wonder if I am even close to these things. Life has seasons just like the planet. There is a season where you are a child, a season where you have transformed to a woman, a season when you become a mother and a season where you grow old. But unlike the planet we face seasons in different ways, the one I explained is what our body's experience. Our mind to faces different seasons and we experience life also collectively through different seasons. Times when it feels cold and bitter and everything feels like heartache, seasons where you feel the Gods sitting in the heavens are testing you. And seasons where life seems to be sailing smoothly.

These seasons are important, it is through these seasons you discover who you truly are on the inside. And be brave, to be this person no matter how the world reacts. The world and all its people are put there to either test you or encourage you, you need the haters so they keep you on your toes, so that you keep growing. You need your supporters so that they keep cheering you when you're fighting these battles in life. Always be yourself, you were intended and created by a divine force to be the way that you are. Know this person and love this person before you let anyone else love her. And be unapologetically brave to be this person, without needing to change anything for someone else's happiness. It's sounds so simple but in reality it is a hard thing to do and if you choose to be this version of yourself, the truest version of who you truly are then you will never feel alone or feel lack in any way. Love being yourself, this is what makes the experience of life magical. And no matter the season, if you can manage to be yourself with a beautiful dream that you pursue relentlessly, life will be full of surprises. Be the person in the room who constantly grows, someone who quietly grows through the seasons of her life. Remember real growth always happens quietly and it is only destruction that makes all the noise.

Life is too short to carry burdens, unburden yourself, take responsibility only for yourself and hold others to theirs. Let go of the ways and thoughts that no longer work for you, become more and more aware that each day is truly a gift. Though the road ahead might seem long and weary teach yourself to live in the moment and enjoy the journey you have taken. When you have achieved something, dream of something bigger, if it doesn't scare you it isn't big enough. Don't wait for the odds to be in your favour, just act, move and let the world know you are on your way. When life gets overwhelming on a Monday morning and it seems like you are handling too much to bear, relax, take a break and then start over the next day. Drink coffee watching the sunrise, go take a swim at the beach, take long walks, go on drives playing your favourite songs and sing them out loud while you wait at the red light. Dance while you cook, let your daughter watch you, let her watch her mother, let her watch a woman and show her what it is to be a woman by being that woman. Have some wine on a Friday night and look at the stars in the skies and know this, that I too would be sitting on the other side of the planet with a beer in my hand holding it up to the skies knowing that life is turning out better than we have expected. Celebrate like there's no tomorrow and no matter where our paths take us, live not to impress, but live to have powerful moments just to experience it. Stay humble, stay kind and live life like it really matters, live like you're part of a chance this world badly needs. 


  1. Truly the best out of all out here. This one is different… keep writing


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