Some of us are trapped in a way we need to physically fight or retaliate in order to get to her. This is the first way you notice and take back your power, but then she's deeper than you think cause the final battle will be with ones own mind to understand what she can truly offer. Once the body is physically free to be with her, one begins to feel that they are finally free, but then if you just free the body you can only do things to please the senses, that satisfies only the body, and once the body is satisfied to its fullest, you begin to understand that you are not completely fulfilled yet, you once again begin your search for her. This is where the true journey starts. A bird is happier when its free to fly high in the sky where ever it desires, but setting it free after years of being prisoned in a cage, it might not even know it could fly away into the horizon, because it had forgotten the extend to which it is free to explore the horizon. What does it truly mean to be free for you? You will see the more you define it, the deeper you will understand her.
I believe it is a journey you have to take, the mission being to free yourself in every way imaginable. For me the meaning has completely changed, I was stuck in a job that drained me out in every aspect possible. I was stuck in cycles of fear to meet unrealistic dead lines, the more I achieved them the more work was dumped on me. Felt like a 24/7 job, for what I wondered, all this effort for a few bucks? That robbed me of my life. And the only way to be fulfilled in this kind of a lifestyle was to buy stuff, drink, party like its still the seventies and go to fancy places for amusement, All this so I'd be able to handle a job, all this to destress so I could stress myself all over again. I'm not saying the activities wasn't fun, Oh boy I had a ball of a time for a while. But soon it did not make me feel like I was truly alive, I felt like a hamster running on a wheel and then I got to thinking, how long am I going to keep doing this to myself. Trust me after you have done it all, all what the body would experience as thrilling and exciting in every imaginable way you will begin to feel bored in the long run and exhausted of all the things you have to do just to be happy. This is when I started paying attention, right when the health problems started showing up. This is when I truly started my romance with her cause I wanted to be free from it all.
I had everything but I felt like a prisoner of my own habits that brewed unhappiness, stuck in an illusionary prison not knowing I could be completely free from it, I have experienced a lot of things in this time of my life but I never felt so trapped ever before in my life. Because my security was dependent on my job and the money I earned from it, my self esteem was dependent on how people perceived me or the way I thought people should perceive me, I was dreadful of failure, I was controlling everything so things went my way, I was way to loyal to my work which I did not like in the first place, I pleased people just to fit in, I constantly worried about the future or worried how things went wrong in the passed and missed the moment completely, I procrastinated, I let my fears take control and never did I try to acknowledge them, I began to understand I had to be free from all this. That is when I answered the question, what does freedom mean to me? And what should I expect out of it in my life? The answer to this question is an ever evolving process cause each year I just want to be more and more free. People, what will you do without freedom? I am talking about absolute freedom, the kind of state, everything you do in your life keeps freeing you. I am learning to be free now a days, I'm not even bothered about the negative emotions that arise in me, I just exist at the moment for just who I am now. Yes I chase big dreams but no, I don't want them to happen in order for me to be happy or make my life complete. In order to reach this place you got to be very honest with your self. Your freedom begins only the moment when you decide to take your freedom back in all aspects of your life, in however way you wish to be free.
Her name is freedom and I flirt dangerously with her, as I love her for what she is and how she has changed my life. The more free you are from your spirit or soul, more wonders you will accomplish. When your completely free to express your self from your soul, your expression and reaction to life will be very creative, and when your engrossed in a creative process the whole experience itself is liberating and an unimaginable enjoyable process and experience. You become light, yes light, like the light that shines and also the kind of light like being less heavy because you have chosen to unburden yourself and embrace the light making you feel lighter. The more you dive into the process of freeing yourself from the unnecessary burdens you carry, you set those parts of yourself free to explore its freedom, your life will change in no time and effortlessly with such ease. Don't you just feel free by reading this, Well that is the effect she has on you, a strange sort of hypnosis that gives you wings, a mesmerising kind of magic that radiates through her diamond shaped eyes and a very intoxicating vibe she instills to the soul in her whispers, her name is Freedom. Be free my friend, be free as the winds and let it carry you to the heights you thought you couldn't reach. When you free yourself from your own limitations and negative programming, and allow it to open up parts of your self that was restricted to growth, begins to expand in ways you could never have thought it was possible. You uncover hidden potential that was waiting to be discovered. You undo the tyranny of people around you and also the restrictive or destructive patterns in your own-self, you free yourself from the environment and get yourself out of your own way. What a feeling would that be like?, Can you imagine it? Have you ever thought about it? And if you have questions on what you must do, and if you're clueless, don't worry she will whisper it to you.
All the answers are in you, if only you welcomed her with open arms to come and unveil the blindfolds of your negative self beliefs and free you from your own self critical patterns and fears and propel you to explore your confidence with unbiased freedom. If you allowed this, imagine how your life would be, how would you feel? And need I say how wonderful your life will turn out. You're a powerful being, way beyond your reckoning, you no longer need to be that bird in that cage. You can fly to any extend towards the horizon and dare to fly further if you wish. Be so free that every day feels like the weekend where the fun never ends and the smile never fades.
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